Any and all formal complaints can be submitted at
Safe Sport Risk Management
Safe Sport Risk Management is a professional resource specializing in unbiased investigation and mediation of incidents, accidents, and complaints that occur or arise in youth sports. This independent resource consists of professional negotiators, mediators and investigators with over 20 years of law enforcement experience. ALL COMPLAINTS and conflict resolution (big or small) are managed by this external, impartial conflict resolution and investigative resource who will maintain confidentiality (deemed absolutely necessary and/or required by law).
Dispute and Conflict Resolution Process
Before submitting a complaint you should do all that you can to solve your own issues by following the 24-hour rule and working with coaches/parent liaisons. However, if the matter is serious or can't/won't be handled by coaches, then you immediately contact Safe Sport Risk Management. To be clear, you DO NOT contact the VPs of HL or Rep, the ORHC President, Board of Directors, or any member of the Executive. Nothing will happen if you don't contact Safe Sport Risk Management (