ORHC Goalie Community Resources, ORHC Goalie Development Program, 2023-2024 (Oakville Rangers Hockey Club)

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ORHC Goalie Development Program

The ORHC Goalie Community

The ORHC Goalie Community
Please join our new Goalie Development Facebook Group for Rangers goalies and coaches by visiting


We will be adding content from our partners and encourage people to use the page to share ideas on drills, trade gear, find a goalie for practice and more.

Look for periodic updates on clinics and special events. Join now to get it going!

The ORHC Rep Goalie Mentoring Program
Parents of goalies on an OPHC Rep Team should ask their team's Goalie Coach or Head Coach for more details on our new Rep Goalie Mentoring Program. How it works is straightforward:

  • We have divided our Rep teams in half, where goalies from the older half of the age groups have been assigned to goalies in the younger half.
  • Mentor goalies will be a resource for younger goalies beyond attending practice if they want to ask about gear, game preparation, handling pressure, etc.
  • Mentor goalies can learn by teaching. This is also an opportunity for them to earn Volunteer Hours or even some pocket money!
    • if a Goalie Mentor wants to collect volunteer hours for their time spent with the younger goalie, keep track of your hours - at the end of the season we will provide you a Volunteer Letter
    • teams may elect to pay Goalie Mentors for coming out to their practices - we would recommend $20/hour
    • please note - YOU CAN NOT DO BOTH - you can accept payment OR volunteer hours
  • If you are unable to find time with your designated partner, feel free to try another team. And if your team already has another arrangement, just let us know and we can make a note so your designated partner team is free to help someone else.


Free Goalie Training for House League Goalies
In our House League divisions we provide free weekly training sessions, run by Dylan Ellis and back by popular demand! We will be running weekly sessions as follows:

  • Beginner and Inexperienced Goalies: Weekly, Thursdays at 5:00pm, Glen Abbey Arena (Blue)
  • Intermediate and Advanced Goalies: Weekly, Saturdays at 8:30am, Glen Abbey Arena (Green)

These sessions are free to our House League members, and no registration is required. Teams with rotating goalies (U7, U8, and U9 especially) are strongly encouraged to have their goalie for that weekend come out to the Thursday session that week where, in addition to teaching them the basics of the position, Dylan and his team will also provide instruction on properly putting on the goalie equipment.

Blades Logo

Free Goalie Training for Rep Goalies
We are pleased to announce the Oakville Blades will be offering ORHC Rep Goalies free Goalie Development Sessions weekly on Sunday Mornings at 10:00am, Kinoak Arena, starting Sunday October 15th. The Blade's goalies are also available to attend practices on Monday or Tuesday evenings.

These sessions are free to our Rep Goalies. Email us to register your interest for Sundays and/or have your goalie coach ask us about Monday/Tuesday practice visits at [email protected].