The Skills Competition is an exciting and popular component each year at the Frank Sabatino Memorial Tournament. Separate events are held for each division - in 2016 there will be Atom Red/Select, Peewee White and Peewee Red/Select divisions with each team allowed to nominate participants for each of the five events - Fastest Skater - Fastest Shot - Breakaway - Defense Agility and the Speed Relay. In addition to the skaters, goalie winners are identified for the Breakaway event.
An outline of the events is provided below.
Click here for the entry form.
1) Fastest Skater

- fastest skater competitor from each team
- one skater at each end of the center red line
- pylons are placed in each corner of the rink (no cutting corners)
- on signal, both skaters complete one counter-clockwise circuit of the ice
- each skater skates once
- fastest two skaters will ‘skate off’ for championship
NOTE: they are racing the clock, not each other
2) Fastest Shot

- one fastest shot shooter from each team (forward or defense)
- random shooting order chosen by Skills Committee in advance
- using one end
- puck placed at marker for each shot
- skater may stand stationery or skate in for "one-timer"
- shot is measured by RADAR Gun
- each shooter will have two attempts (in rotation)
- shot must "score", i.e., enter net to count.
- in the event of "equipment failure" shooter will redo that shot.
- shooters with two fastest shots will "shoot off" for championship (two attempts each)
- fastest shot wins
- a tie will result in sudden death shoot-out (either for top two or champion.
3) Breakaway Drill
- goalie from each team
- shooter from each team (forward or defense)
- random match-ups chosen by Skills Committee in advance
- using both ends – balanced number of goalies and shooters at each end
- goalie in net
- shooters each side of center ice with a puck at top of center circle
- first shooter breaks in on goalie
- as soon as goalie touches puck, the scorer will instruct the next shooter to proceed
- each goalie will face five shots then next goalie goes into net
- each shooter will take five shots in rotation of shooters
- goalies scored on saves; shooters scored on goals
- "sudden death" shootouts as necessary for any goalie or shooter ties.
4) Defenseman Agility Race

- fastest stickhandling defenseman from each team
- skaters at the end of each blueline
- using all four quadrants, space four pylons from blueline to goaline thru faceoff dot
- on signal, first skater, racing the clock, starts at the blue line – forward to goal line and pivot around last pylon – backwards return to blue line – pick up puck - forward slalom with puck through pylons to goal line – turn around last pylon and return forward slalom with puck through pylons – finish at blue line
- each skater goes once
- 2 fastest times "skate off" for Championship.
5) Speed Relay

- four skaters already on ice from each of the teams
- two skaters from each team behind each goal line
- a pylon will be placed in front of each team
- on signal, first skater races the length of the ice & taps 2nd skater with his stick [second skater remains stationary, on his knees, behind the goal line until tapped]
- "early" start on tags will lead to disqualification
- repeat 3x so that all 4 teammates skate 1 length
- final lap ends at cones before icing line
- 4 teams in each heat (if 16 team division)
- winners of each heat compete in final to determine champions